National Priority Programme Team Awarded Prestigious Grand Challenges Canada Grant

Through Grand Challenges Canada and the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 22 new proposals for Point-of-Care Diagnostics that are easy to use, low cost, multiplexed, and able to assess disease stage and provide information on prognosis have been awarded funding.

A Multi-Disciplinary Point-of-Care Laboratory in an Active HIV Treatment Clinic 
Wendy Stevens of the National Health Laboratory Service and the University of Witwatersrand will lead a multi-disciplinary team to assess the safety, cost effectiveness and impact on clinical outcome of implementing point-of care testing for HIV and tuberculosis in several different clinical settings in South Africa. The aim is to create a sustainable vehicle for future point-of-care evaluation and expansion and to provide sufficient information to inform national policy decisions, bearing in mind the need for equity, affordability and accessibility.

For more information about Grand Challenges in Global Health, click here
For full press release, click here

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