The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) is a South African body that monitors outbreaks, conducts research and communicates information and updates on communicable diseases.
The NICD serves as a resource of knowledge and expertise of communicable diseases to the South African Government, Southern African Development Community countries and the African continent.
For general contact details:
Tel: +27 11 386 6400
Fax: +27 11 882 0596
The NICD offers information on and about communicable diseases (which are made up of infectious diseases and transmittable diseases of public health importance) in a number of formats, these include outbreak alerts, reports, publications and media releases. The NICD will not directly offer healthcare services and diagnostic services to the general public. Members of the public are encouraged to seek medical help and assistance through the use of public and private health care service providers.
Communicable diseases are contagious diseases that result from infection, presence and growth of pathogenic biological agents in an individual human or other animal host and inanimate hosts. They spread from one host to another through direct and indirect contact to human beings.
Unless you are a medical official, you may not report any outbreaks to the NICD. Only medical professionals may report an outbreak to the NICD through the Notifiable Medical Conditions Form or a mobile device Application which can be downloaded on and through the clinical hotline number on 0800 212 552.
The nature of outbreaks vary in conditions and contexts; however, South Africa may report seasonal outbreaks that are fuelled by climate, such as Malaria during the summer season and influenza during the winter season. The NICD conducts regular surveillance of communicable diseases and on a monthly basis gives an update on communicable diseases.
The NICD offers guidelines to medical professionals on screening and diagnosing communicable diseases on their A-Z diseases index and can be accessed on . The A-Z diseases index offers information about communicable diseases, guidelines for health professionals and specific contact details for more information about communicable diseases.
The NICD, on a monthly basis or upon available posts, releases vacant available positions that can be applied for on the NICD’s website under the careers portal on
The NICD offers a range of training opportunities and with partnerships from various institutions and universities across South Africa and abroad. Click on Training to learn more about the training opportunities offered.