Measles outbreak situation update in Tshwane district, Gauteng province (12 July 2022)

As of  11 July 2022, no new laboratory-confirmed measles cases were reported to be linked to the measles outbreak in Tshwane District. The number of measles cases detected and epidemiologically linked to the measles outbreak in the Tshwane District remains at four. The last laboratory-confirmed measles case was reported on 25 June 2022. Additional laboratory-confirmed measles cases detected in the Tshwane district had no epidemiological link to the home-based school facility measles outbreak.

The City of Tshwane and provincial health officials conducted public health investigations and responses that resulted in the measles vaccination campaign in the crèches and schools where the measles outbreak occurred, as well as ring immunisation in areas where another measles case was detected. Gauteng province is planning a measles vaccination campaign targeting children aged 6 months to 14 years to increase immunity and prevent new measles cases.

Clinicians and caregivers should continue to check the children’s vaccination booklets to ensure they are up to date with their measles vaccination. The measles vaccine is given routinely at 6 and 12 months of age. Catch-up measles vaccine doses should be given to children who missed their measles vaccinations when they have contact with a healthcare professional.

The measles outbreak in the Tshwane district can be declared over since more than 42 days (two incubation periods) have passed without detecting a measles case linked to the measles outbreak. Clinicians should continue to notify all suspected measles cases on the NMC surveillance system

Source: Centre for Vaccine and Immunology, NICD
Gauteng Province Department of Health

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