The Science Focus is a quarterly compilation of the scientific publications included in the quarterly report submitted to the National Department of Health. It includes only publications where an NICD staff member is either the first or last author.

VOLUME 29 | Q4 2023-2024

Editor’s Note

We are delighted to present the 29th edition of Science Focus. This publication offers a wealth of diverse scientific research content, providing valuable insights into disease surveillance and public health.

This issue features collaborative research endeavours involving promising young researchers, established, and internationally acclaimed researchers, and comprises academic contributions where NICD employees serve as either the first or last authors.

In this edition, we spotlight remarkable research achievements by industry experts at the NICD in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2023/2024. We encourage you to delve into the array of studies featured.

Thank you for your unwavering support and active involvement with Science Focus.

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